Radio control has already become an integral part of control systems for electrical and electrohydraulic equipment which results in safety and labor productivity improvement.
The Remote Control Equipment (KDU1) developed by SPARC is designed for wired and wireless remote control of electrical and electrohydraulic equipment at coal and shale mine faces and within seams exposed to gas (methane) and dust explosion hazards.
- Power unit (battery) for the radio control panel is an independent device, therefore it can be easily changed and charged without lifting the radio control panel to surface;
- Battery for the radio control panel can be charged by wire;
- Usage of high-capacity batteries of high quality ensures operation of the radio control panel for 8 hours and even more with no need to be charged;
- Up to 4 batteries can be charged simultaneously with a battery charger;
- You can easily understand how to operate the radio control panel due to its ergonomic and informative design. If you need your hands free, you can use included strap for waist.
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